First slide

You can use few icons in the content

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Third Slide

You can combine text with icons

Что мы умеем?

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Icons in the content


The gk_creativity Image Show style allows you to specify icons in the slide content.


To achieve this effect you have to use the following syntax in the title/text:








In the above example we have used the following settings

Slide 1

Image: #7484ff

Title: First slide

Text: You can use few icons in the content

Slide 2

Image: #7484ff

Title: Second slide

Text: [anim-opacity][icon-mobile-phone,66,wibrateanim2] [icon-heart,66,pulseanim] [icon-bell,66,flickeranim] [icon-spinner,66,spin]

Slide 3

Image: #7484ff

Title: Third slide

Text: [icon-info] You can combine text with icons

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